Frau Business Gespräch

How we can support the digital transformation of your law firm

Digitalization presents many law firms with new challenges. Legal services are increasingly being provided on the Internet. Clients and legislators expect secure online exchange of data while observing the obligation of secrecy through the zero knowledge principle. D-Trust is a reliable partner when it comes to the digital transformation of your law firm. We can advise you and provide you with legally compliant and user-friendly solutions. 

Security during data exchange

When exchanging data between your law firm, your clients and other lawyers or offices, the highest security standards must apply. After all, this information is both confidential and sensitive. There is no room for compromise here. Personal certificates should be used to encrypt e-mails along with SSL certificates. The same goes for user-friendliness. Intuitive tools will save your law firm the cost of expensive training for employees and allow your clients to easily use your services. As a government-owned security company, D-Trust attaches great importance to legally compliant, secure and user-friendly solutions ‘Made in Germany’.

D-Trust’s products for your law firm

Digitalization offers your law firm many different opportunities: time savings, higher client satisfaction, greater flexibility. D-Trust can help you here with advice and assistance. We can advise you on data exchange and hosting, develop solutions tailored to your law firm and help during the transformation of your organization. 

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