Mann Support Telefonieren

We will be pleased to assist you

D-Trust can offer you a comprehensive range of services and support, be it technical support, more detailed information or answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Product Support

Do you have questions regarding our signature cards, certificates or health professional card? Our service section offers you helpful information. Simply select the corresponding product in the menu to get helpful information.

Our self-service offer

Piktrogramm: Archiv


This digital archive provides information on the guidelines that apply to our public key infrastructure (PKI). 

Piktogramm: Mitteilung

Reporting a certificate problem

Please report a problem with a D-Trust certificate.

Piktogramm: Stop


If you lose your signature card, you should have it immediately revoked. You can do this in several ways.

Piktogramm OCSP-Abfrage

OCSP request

Do you want to know the status of a D-Trust certificate? Then please complete the form provided below and send it to us. 

Pictogram of a question mark

LDAP request for certificates

Here you can request the status of certificates in the D-Trust repository service.

Piktogramm: Wiederholung


If the hardware which you purchased from us does not work, you can submit a complaint to us.

Arzt bei einer Untersuchung

eHealth portal

Mann Computer Arbeitsplatz Schreibtisch

D-Trust Portal

Do you have any questions?

Our service team will be happy to help. Simply call.

Piktogramm für Support
+49 (0) 30 2598 – 0