Certificate Service Manager (CSM)
Managing and requesting digital certificates
The Certificate Service Manager (CSM) is a managed PKI service for organizations that apply for certificates several times a year. Using a web interface or automated with one of our partner solutions, certificates are issued, requests approved or certificates revoked. Following initial verification of your organization and your domain, it is no longer necessary to verify every single certificate request.
Your advantages at a glance
Fast – Certificates are made available in a matter of seconds; online requests are approved by authorized customer operators
Central – The entire CSM certificate stock is managed at the company
Flexible – Assignment of precisely graded user authorizations and invoicing based on use
One-stop solution – TLS/SSL server, personal or devices certificates or electronic seals automated via a web GUI, API or manually
Product details
The solution and its components
Companies and organizations themselves request and manage certificates with the CSM – all on a single platform. This reduces effort, costs and time, giving you full control over your certificate stocks at all times and ensuring the highest security standards. Access for authorized users to the web portal is secured with SSL/TLS and smartcard certificates.
Direct issuance of many different certificates following initial identity verification
Pre-verified organizational attributes, domains and applicant authorizations enable you to issue certificates immediately. The multifunctional certificates cover a wide range of applications: signing and encrypting e-mails (S/MIME), authenticating users and devices in networks, digitally signing or sealing documents, etc. You can add new organizations or domains to your account at any time.
Integration of the API into your digital workflow
By integrating the CSM API into your IT processes, you can fully automate the lifecycle of your user certificates and ensure an Active Directory connection. This enables you to use your existing IT infrastructure and provide all users, devices and servers with certificates at short notice, thus eliminating the need to manage your own PKI. Upon request, we will be happy to support you with offers tailored to your needs.
Precisely graded user authorization levels
With flexible rights and role models, administrators can determine which employees can request, release, renew or revoke certificates.
Several organizations in one customer account
Registration and administration of several companies or organizations in one account enables you to flexibly map the structure of a corporate group or different customers via one CSM account, thus providing a central certificate service.
Significant cost reduction
Our managed PKI service offers you steep volume discounts and at the same time eliminates the effort of setting up and managing your own PKI.
Frequently Asked Questions
Large companies and organizations often use many certificates for different purposes, such as e-mail signatures, encryption, or to secure the transmission of sensitive data in online communications. With the Certificate Service Manager (CSM), all these certificates can be managed and requested from one platform. This reduces the effort, cost and time otherwise associated with managing many digital certificates.
The CSM can be used to request the following certificate types:
- TLS/SSL certificates according to the Organization Validation (OV), Domain Validation (DV) or Extended Validation (EV) standard to secure server communications.
- Qualified website certificates according to the eIDAS regulation for securing server communications
- Qualified PSD2 website certificates and seals under the eIDAS Regulation to protect payment information in transactions
- Electronic seals for immutability and proof of origin of documents
- S/MIME certificates for digital signing and encryption of e-mails and for authenticating users in networks
- Devices certificates for securing communication between machines or objects with organizational affiliation
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